
Monday, June 29, 2015

Bye, Bye, Blackbird

Chalky Finish Spray Paint by Krylon, distress painting
For several years I used this flock of blackbirds around the house.

I decided it was past time to bid farewell.

So it was bye, bye, blackbird.

And hello to a new bird dressed in rust.

Some folks have been praising Krylon Chalky Finish Spray Paint.

I bought some Putty.

I was pleased with the coverage and the smooth finish.

(Notice dawn was breaking - I had to start very early before the heat set in.)

No money exchanged hands for this product. If I did not like it, I would say so.

Using a sanding sponge, I took off a bit to distress them.

A handsome Putty bird.

Wait, that was a putty cat, wasn't it?

Or puddy cat?

Well, back to the birds.

Strands of rusty wire with jingle bells attached.

Belling the birds.

Wait, that was a cat, too!

Added rusty keys.

The flock in a display on the coffin cart in my booth.

Flock on over.

Get a bird's eye view.

Read about the coffin cart here. 

See y'all!

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Show And Share No. 268
Share Your Style #20
Shabbilicious Friday 
Feathered Nest Friday 

I'd love to have you join in my link party The Cottage Market Craft Frenzy Friday

Sunday, June 28, 2015

My Booth

Booth W-10, Riverfront Antique Mall
Last Sunday I hauled a load over to Riverfront Antique Mall to stuff as much as possible into my booth.

I rearranged by color to have an Americana theme area.

Sorry about the pics - I dropped my camera and it refused to take more than five photos before telling me its memory was full.

So all these were taken between customers with my phone.

I must have been quite sleepy when I doctored these photos.

In May, large items were selling so I packed in more large items.

Guess what?

Smalls are selling like hot cakes for June!

I call this area outside my booth (two feet into the aisle) my front porch.

Mantiques reside here for now.

Turquoise and toolboxes.

More luggage.

This area had been neat, but as I was taking photos, someone put all the baskets in the floor.

When there is no more space on the floor, 
I go 

I use crib springs to display items like these numbers.

I do sell the springs.

I try to have everything in my booth with a price.

NFS's do not pay the rent.

A whole corner of the back room is devoted to books.

I do not sell my crates.

I know, that breaks my NFS rule.

Also in the back room are items from different holidays.

Yes, I sell Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and Valentine's all year long.

That was how the booth looked last Sunday.

Changes have been made.

Items have sold.

On Tuesday I will spend the day loading in new items.

It's the circle of junk.

BTW - I was sitting staring at my camera (I have had it for years) and cursing its stubbornness about working, when I remembered dropping it on the carpet.  Could that light fall have affected it?  Well, I took the memory card and the battery out, put them back in, and ...


That stupid, er, great camera works again!

Hi, Ho, Silver, and away!

See y'all!

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:



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Show And Share No. 268
Share Your Style #20
Feathered Nest Friday 

I'd love to have you join in my link party The Cottage Market

Friday, June 26, 2015

Featured At Sissie's Shabby Cottage

Sissie's Shabby Cottage, Jeanne D'Arc Living clothing lineI was so excited to get a note from Sissie telling me she was featuring my blog today at Sissie's Shabby Cottage.

I have been following her for awhile and love her style.  Also I have fallen in love with the Jeanne D'Arc Living clothing line she carries.


Be sure to visit her Etsy shop.

Etsy sissiecakes

See y'all!  

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:



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Friday Finds

estate sale, vintage finds
Azalee giving me the evil eye and asking, "Why, why, why?"

I schedule posts to publish at 4am and email alerts go out at 7am.

Last week on my Friday Finds post I claimed I would not be shopping because of all the treasures piling up around here.

At 10am I was driving to the bank. There was a detour for a tree service which sent me driving past a small house with a group of vintage lamps in the front yard and a sign saying "Estate Sale".

Well, I had to stop even though there was an unfinished dresser in the back waiting for a makeover.

Even though I had little money.

Turns out the couple was conducting their own sale with bargain basement prices to get rid of everything because the house had sold sooner than expected.

A short ladder and a tall easel.

Don't get too excited the "trophies" are Hobby Lobby.

A woven 60's Bates spread, two lace tablecloths, and ...

She said tea cart, and I thought tea cart.

In good condition.

After reading the stamp on its bottom, it is definitely NOT a tea cart.

Some kind of rolling cart used in a mortuary made by the Tennessee Coffin and Casket Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.

For those who like oddities, it is now in my booth.

It's that thing looking like a demure tea cart.

There were many of these framed prints and advertise- ments.

I selected two babies.

Two Mother poems.

One Mother Love and one We Two.

Some forgotten son signed the back of Mother Love.

A vintage faux Hitchcock chair in black and gold.  

Notice the bottoms of the each leg still has the original wrapping from the factory.

So underneath the legs are in pristine condition.

A large black leather satchel.

The wicker basket I will use.

I cannot pass up a round gold mirror - especially one with some age spots.

A caution light yellow enamelware top kitchen table with a working drawer.

There were a few other items stuffed into my car, but I am too embarrassed to even talk about them.

Another week, another vow.


Though I think I saw several estate sales in the paper ...

See y'all!

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:



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Show And Share No. 268
Share Your Style #20 
Shabbilicious Friday
Feathered Nest Friday

I'd love to have you join in my link party