
Friday, February 28, 2014

Go Ahead and Shop

thrift shopping, vintage finds, Boy Scouts, sheet music"Go ahead and shop."


Did Chucks just say that!?!

Yes, but in all honesty, I think he was trying to get rid of me for awhile. 

Never mind the reason.  I grabbed the keys and flew out the door.

Here are the finds and it only took me two hours of shopping!

This creamy white USA planter - a dirty beauty.

I wonder if wearing Boy Scout gear will ever be in style?

Found the folding hat and the neckerchief.

Two small Heinz brown bean bowls - no flaws!

I rarely see these in this small size anymore.

About the size of a baseball.

These glass mugs appealed to me in the store, but I changed my mind when I got home.

I was thinking of maybe painting them.

Now not sure.

They are marked and one is dated 1980-something.

Two are alike.

Yuck!  Not me at all!

Love the look of stacks of spools of thread.

Found a whole bag of them under a pile of junk.

This unhappy kitty is hard at work on Monday's laundry.

Embroidered on a large green towel.

Love that expression - sorta how I look doing laundry.

Another shop - I was deep into the shopping groove now.

Five more spools to add to the collection.

Two young men were going through five boxes of albums (vinyl, records, you know - old music). 

They were looking for Beatles albums because with the fiftieth anniversary of them arriving here in the US, prices have sky-rocketed.

They totally overlooked what I thought was the gem of the bunch.

An extended play 45 RPM  (if you do not know what that is, I am not explaining) of Galloping Guitars with Les Paul and His Trio.  (If you do not know who Les Paul is, like the guys searching for treasure, I cannot explain his importance to music today.)

Three elementary school reading books.

The Darkness and The Dawn by Thomas Costain.

Quite the author mid-last-century.

Canadian journalist who became a best-selling author in his fifties.

The Silver Chalice is my favorite.

Historical fiction.

Stacks of Reader's Digest books with the marbleized covers - in great shape.

These make great clipboards and page art.

Look at those colors.

Some of the books have the silvered-edged pages.

A brass-covered wooden magazine rack.

A great seller for me.

A bundle of wooden hangers.

Had to buy the whole bunch to get two.

One an old hotel hanger - without the name unfortunately.

 And then this distressed pink one with Fairy stamped on it.

How precious.

A stack of wood with a drawer on top drew my attention.

Turned out to be this bedside table.

All the parts were there and it took all of three minutes to put it back together.  Now to paint it.

I bought the frame because I loved it for the tag:


It is really old, but I do not think I needed to be told that!

Since the frame is older than I am, I figure I need to make me a tag:


A pair of cigar tins from Holland.

Great graphic art on the tins.

Plus the tops have crowns on them.

 I found stacks of music.

The gray one on the bottom - 1902 Piano Recital Pieces.

The brown one - Songs for the Organ.

The red one - The Pirates of Penzance.

Rudolph's Christmas Album of songs.

Noel Coward's I'll See You Again in both English and French.

Wonder what old Noel would think being paired with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?

This set of primary school music was given free to teachers in the Philadelphia area in the late 1940's and 1950's by Dairy Council, Inc.

The songs were supposed to teach the students healthy habits.

Some of these items are over at my booths at Riverfront Antique Mall and the others will be listed in the Etsy shop.

This weekend is the big AAUW Book Fair in Aiken.  People travel for miles to buy books. Some come in box trucks. I have my tote bags and boxes ready to shop.  

Chucks said, "Go ahead and shop."

Now I am wondering what is going on while I am gone.

See y'all!

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Be Inspired # 178 at Common Ground
The Cottage Market Presents Junkin Joe Every Friday 
Party Junk #228 at Funky Junk Interiors 

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  Dwellings-The Heart of Your HomeA Stroll Thru LifeMy Uncommon Slice of SuburbiaWe Call It Junkin

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Turquoise and Tung Oil

turquoise, tool boxes, crates, distressed painting, tung oilAfter shopping in the shed, Chucks, Calvin (my helper) and I got right to work cleaning, painting, and tagging things for the shop. It was a time for turquoise and tung oil for toolboxes and wooden crates.

I wanted them distressed and colorful.

As you can see Calvin got a little too distressed when the can of paint he was shaking jarred loose and paint flew everywhere.

Luckily it is my favorite color because 

I have turquoise polka dots all over the patio.

I did not have a before of the toolbox - it is a large one - needed a lot of cleaning - has neat brackets on the side to hold a pipe.

Just in case you need a pipe!

The two small crates once held machine knives and the two-sided crate is a tool caddy.

Sorry I cut the small box out of the photo.

 Here it is.

I just wanted a slap and a dash of the turquoise inside these.  

Just a punch of color.

 All day I was tung oiling everything.

I was loving the look of the turquoise against the warmth of the wood.

Plus I did want to preserve the labels and stamps on the crates.

 I love this group so-o-o-o-o much, but I promised everything pulled out of the shed would go to be sold at the antique mall.

And I kept my promise.

But, Chucks, look how cute they look sitting in the yard.  

Just imagine them filled with begonias or geraniums.

He did not budge.

So if you are in the need of a turquoise and tung oiled wooden box, go to Riverfront Antique Mall.

They are there - I promise!

I was busy again today with the cleaning and preparing.

I thought with all the storm damage, I would have some extra time before the work crew gets here to remodel the shed, but the guy came by today to say he was almost through with my neighbor's shed and will probably get to ours next week.


I hope that is just home improvement talk for next month.

See y'all!

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:



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Be Inspired # 178 at Common Ground
The Cottage Market Presents Junkin Joe Every Friday 
Party Junk #228 at Funky Junk Interiors 

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Shabbilicious Friday
We Call It Junkin GREEN wILLOW POND Savvy Southern StyleDwellings-The Heart of Your Home

Monday, February 24, 2014

A Bannister And A Pair Of Yokes

bannister, yokes, tung oil finish
There once was a barrister and two yokels ...

No, that's not right.

There once was a bannister and two yokes!


All were discovered during my Shopping The Shed excursion.

Here they are - a bit rusty, a bit crusty, and a bit dry.

What to do, what to do.

Bring out the tung oil and start feeding that dried out wood.

Go over the metal parts too.

See the difference in the yoke pieces?

Well, I probably should have put them on something other than a milk crate to photograph.

But believe me there is a difference.

Look at that bannister - all rich wood with chippy white paint.

I did have to use several coats of the tung oil.

I know all of you are drooling over my nifty little what-cha-callit.

It is a heater I use for a table on the patio.




No, I am not including this in my cleaning spree.


The bannister and the yokes have departed for the booths.

More transformations of the junk, er, treasures I found while shopping in my shed coming up.

See y'all!

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:



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Knick Of Time Tuesday #126

A Stroll Thru LifeWe Call It Junkin GREEN wILLOW POND Savvy Southern Style