
Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Black Medallion Table

 The Black Medallion - sounds like a 1940's movie, doesn't it?  It describes this little side table perfectly.

I do not have a before photo as I erased all the photos in my camera while playing with the cat a few months ago.  It was freeing in a way.  I may do it again.

Yes, it has taken me this long to refinish this little guy.

Well, to be truthful.  It has taken me this long to unearth him from the gigantic pile of furniture in the formal living room.  During the spring and summer I use the space as storage for projects since we really only use it around the holidays.  But Christmas is coming and I have unloaded several truckloads to make room for decorations and trees and such.

I wish I had the photo of how he looked when I bought him at an estate sale.  He was cowering beside a disreputable  sofa.  He was covered in pink and yellow flowered Contact paper.  My husband questioned my judgment, but I saw some potential in him.  Just take a gander at those sturdy, handsome legs.

I had to use Lift-Off to remove the stickiness. I then sanded and sanded.

Not a shake, rattle or roll to him!

I had a sample pot of unknown paint from the oops shelf at HD I wanted to try. 

The last photos show the color most clearly.  It is a citrus, lime, greenish, tan, gray color.   I hope it can be duplicated because I love the color.

I distressed with heavy sanding about his edges.
 I decided such a sturdy little boy needed some bold graphics to enhance his handsomeness.

I went over to the Graphics Fairy and examined several examples of French frames.  I chose this oval frame.

Originally I was planning to write French words in the frames, but I know orienting a table in a room with typography can be tricky.

I took the frame over to Pic Monkey and found a floral design to fit inside the frame.  Black was my first choice of colors, and I printed out the design nine to a page on my HP Photosmart on plain white copy paper.

Cutting very close, I clipped out three designs at a time.

 I positioned eighteen on the table and measured carefully the spaces between the designs.

Using blue tape I masked the edges to provide a straight edge for the next step.

What could that be?

Reverse Mod Podge transfer, of course!
The Mod Podge is applied to the front side with a foam brush.  Then quickly place on the table print side down.

You can see that the tape definitely helped line up the images.

If you have not tried this, practice several times on a piece of scrap wood,

Or become best buddies with your sander!
The images were left to dry several hours.  It does not matter if you leave them for longer.  Just make sure they are dry before the next step.

Using a brush or your finger, wet the backs of the images.  Do not work way ahead when working with several images.  I did one section of three at a time.

After the image has soaked up the water, the scary part begins.  Gently rub with your finger until the paper releases.   I keep a paper towel handy to remove the paper squiggles off the surface so the remaining ink does not soil the work surface.  I usually sand my transfers for distressing so if any details get lost, I do not worry about it.  If you want perfect images, this is probably not the way to go.

In the photo above, the bottom right corner shows images with the paper backing removed.  The bottom left shows the image in the soaking stage.  Do not leave your images while doing this.  Once you start, stay with it until all paper is removed.

Ta-da!  The Black Medallion - a table meant for greatness or the sappy romantic lead in a black noir film.

I finished him off with several coats of satin varnish over the top and two coats of Minwax.
Another look at his black medallions.

As always I forgot to tell you something.  I did lightly sand the images before applying the varnish.

Well, I am trying to finish all decorating in the next four days, celebrating my 59th birthday (can that be right!?!), attending a huge craft fair, and getting my booth ready at Riverfront Antique Mall In North Augusta, SC.  We are having our grand reopening and Christmas extravaganza from December 1 to December 9.

Oh, also, while working on another project the other day I accidentally spray painted my silver hair red - bright holiday red.  I have washed and washed until it is now a pale pink on the ends of the front pieces.  My hairdresser thinks she can remove the rest - I hope that does not mean cutting!

Well, back to decorating.  I have missed all of you in Blogland for the last week, but I promise I have taken pictures - a ton of pictures - to document what I have been up to.  Just you wait!

See y'all!

Follow Me on Pinterest  . Homespun Happenings Happy Hour Projects craftionaryvif187Funky Junk's Sat Nite SpecialFurniture Feature FridaysIt's OverflowingI'm a Fan of My 1929 Charmer Blog!The Graphics FairyMy Uncommon Slice of SuburbiaThe DIY Dreamer

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving, 2012

How fast did this weekend go? 

My brother is in charge of Thanksgiving, and I am in charge of Christmas.  This works out great for both of us.  Wayne alternates from having it at his home or at the lake.  

Somehow being out in the open makes the time together special.

Lake Thurmond at Clark's Hill, SC.

(Not really a lake - it is a reservoir for the hydroelectric dam.)

 You will notice all faces are in shadow or blocked due to my family's aversion to having pictures made.  You will also notice I forgot to have someone take my photo.

Use your imagination!

Wayne, Olivia, and Chucks discuss weighty world issues - like when is dinner ready?

Olivia serenaded us on her vintage mandolin that she conveniently gave Wayne for Father's Day.

Ferris unfolding himself from his Fiat - vintage of course.

That's the way this family rolls.

Grandma Jo letting Ferris know the proper directions for next time.

She's 83 - she might be antique instead of vintage.

 Cornish game hens smoked over maple wood.  YUM!

On the menu: baked sweet potatoes with cinnamon, fresh green beans with onions, and dressing.

My contribution?  Tea and pumpkin fudge brownies.

The brownies were a big hit - especially with Chucks who has forbidden me to bake another batch.

Go to Love, Pomegranate House blog for the recipe for the two-ingredient brownies. 

The view from the beach below the campsite.

The water level is many feet down due to drought, water rights issues, and conservation efforts of wetlands downstream.

After eating we treasure hunt on the beach.  

Thousands of fresh water clam shells, pieces of quartz, and driftwood.

I found an old grindstone.

There is Olivia searching for heart stones and skipping stones.

It was a gorgeous day.

See y'all!

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Had to show the after!

 I have had these two crates since spring.  They were artfully arranged in front of the fireplace and were very useful for storing found treasures.

Last week we had a brief cold spell and a fire would have been nice, but I could not get to the fireplace.

Chucks offered to chop the crates to burn.

Bad, bad Chucks!

Here are the before photos of the two of them.  Just rough plywood, but sturdy and the potential for greatness was there.  Of course, only I could see that.  Chucks just saw two things blocking the fireplace. 

This one was basically a big box.  I saw a nifty rolling wood box!

I saw a tool or craft supply cabinet here. Rolling, of course!

I mixed a watery concoction of blue and green paint to make a wash that would soak right into the wood. (I used one to one proportion - water to paint.)

First I sanded each.

Then I slopped on the watery mixture and the result was this beautiful turquoise.

Next came a good waxing with Howard's Citra Shield in golden oak.

I am loving this color!

 Waxed and ready for -


Now those of you who read regularly know that usually I steal the casters off pieces to add to my ever-growing collection, but this time I am adding casters to both these crates.

I want them -



 The wood box needed the casters on the bottom, but I stood the other crate on its end and screwed the casters on its short side to make a standing cabinet.

 There was no way to add tassels or tags here - these were working pieces.  No frills or even transfer images for them.  No stencils either.  

So I went to my craft stash and pulled out these small iron stars.

I screwed one on each side of the wood box.

Woody proudly showing off his new paint job and his stars.  He is ready to hold logs by the fireplace.

Turk stands on his own four casters.  He will make a great storage spot for found treasures or craft stuff or even tools.  

How practical!
Turk shows off all the room he has.

And now the two are  -


off to Riverfront Antique Mall.

I plan to display lots of Christmas-y goodies in and on them.

Woody will hold all those feather pillows I have been busy beating to death!  Read about that stack of musty feather pillows here.

Now where is that wood?  Let's start a fire.  What!?!  It's seventy degrees outside!?!  Oh, well, if we really need a fire we can turn on the air conditioner and build one :>D

See y'all!

Follow Me on Pinterest  . Homespun HappeningsOne More Time EventsFunky Junk's Sat Nite SpecialIt's OverflowingMy Uncommon Slice of Suburbia